NBA Graphs - 2015 Playoffs with R studio

Using the CSV exported from a previous project using SQL, I continued to make more sophisticated graphs using ggplot with R studio.  The information presented represents real data of players that participated in the 2015 NBA Playoffs.  Again, I used to procure the raw data.

Here are the results:

Minutes vs Total Points in a Series Per Player

Minutes vs Average in a Series Per Player

Dot plot of Ages of Active NBA Players

![SummmaryStatistics] ( Summary.JPG)

Density Graph using Average Assists, Rebounds, and Points

Density Graph using Average Assists, Rebounds, and Points

Density Graph using Average Assists, Rebounds, and Points

Density Graph using Average Assists, Rebounds, and Points

Density Graph of Average Points of a Player in the NBA 2015 Finals

Density Graph of Average Points of a Player in the NBA 2015 Finals

Download Includes: R code, Original Data, and Copy of Graphs

Looking ahead: I will continue to plot more advanced graphs. In addition, I want to feature more interaction with graphs where one could run the R code and interact with plots to expand with more detailed information. Another possible interaction may include a search feature of some sort that accepts user input.  A simple means of that is to incorporate functions in the R code first.

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